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Free Healthy Lunchbox Webinar!

My Simple Steps to Packing a Nutritionally Balanced Lunchbox

With school starting in just a few short weeks I’ve put together a free webinar to run you through everything you’ll need to know in order to pack a simple, healthy and safe lunchbox in no time at all!

  • Packing the lunchbox every single day is not easy!

  • Coming up with healthy food ideas that your child will actually eat is hard!

  • It’s time consuming rummaging through the fridge and cupboard looking for suitable food.

  • It's worrying for many parents not knowing if the food they are providing is giving their child the best start for learning.

  • It really is a stressful and dreaded task!


But it doesn’t have to be this way!​

Hi I’m Abbey!


I’m a university qualified nutritionist with a Master's degree in health promotion. I'm also a wife and mum to two gorgeous but picky little kiddos.

I love all things food and healthy eating and have put my passion, knowledge and experience together to create the Lunchbox Nutritionist - where I help busy parents pack simple nutritionally balanced!

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I know so many parents dread packing the lunchbox each school day. I want to change this! I want to take away the pain of packing the lunchbox. I want to give you confidence in knowing that the food you pack is providing your child with the energy and nutrients they need for a day of learning and play.




If you're new to the world of lunchboxes, I want to remove this stress before it even begins and set you off on the easy path right from the beginning. And if you're a seasoned lunchbox packer in need of ideas and a simple method to following then this webinar is absolutely for you too!

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What's covered during the webinar:​​


  • What to consider when purchasing a lunchbox

  • "Nut free" what you can and can't pack

  • My simple steps to packing a nutritionally balanced lunchbox

  • The Australian Dietary Guidelines

  • Food safety, high risk foods and how to keep the lunchbox safe

  • Practical cheat sheet to complete for each of your children

  • Time saving tips

  • Where to go for inspiration


When is it?

The webinar was live but a recording is now available, enter your details below and I'll email you the link.​

Healthy Lunchbox Webinar

Enter your details below and I'll email you a link to the recording


©2021 The Lunchbox Nutritionitst

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